Saturday 6 August 2011

Not just a glass of water

The powers that bestow in a glass of water may very well be the miracle that was called upon Moses to part the Red Sea or Jesus for turning water into wine.
Water acts as a conductor to our electrical impulses through thoughts and emotions. Dr Masaru Emoto a scientist from Japan has experimented the effects of human consciousness on the molecular structure of water. In his findings the power of prayer, thought, music, and words can change the structure of molecules. We human are about 70% water, just think of the kind of molecules we are producing by the very thoughts and emotions we carry each day. Throwing a penny into wishing well may not be so crazy after all. The penny (metallic solid) allow ions or electrons to move freely in the water with the intension of the person's wish. Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.

Beethoven's Pastorale

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