Saturday 2 July 2011

Drumming with Nature

Finally! it's July and it seems to have taken a long time to get here. One of my favorite things to do in the summer is to take my hand drum to the beach and connect to the rhythm of nature. I find a private and comfortable spot in the sand and light my incense stick. I listen to my surroundings; breeze, seagulls, and the ocean waves. Nature becomes my conductor but not in the formal sense. There is nothing formal about nature only true harmony and complete freedom. The beauty of nature creates a feeling of oneness. Being at one with my drum helps me to integrate with nature and the biological rhythms within myself.
I warm my drum up by pointing it towards the sun. As I begin to tap on the drum, the sun has filled it with beautiful tones and oil slick colours. My hands begin to play in this kaleidoscope of sound until it finds a song.

"A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song "
- Chinese Proverb

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